This story is about a kindly old wizard, who owned a cauldron he called his lucky cooking pot, and he helped everyone in the city, but when he died, he gave his cauldron to his only son. The son was not kind as his father. He wasn't helping the village when bad things happened, so one day, he found a package inside of the pot, with an old slipper, but thought nothing of it, and threw it back into the cauldron. When the wizard refused to help the villagers, the cauldron magically sprouted a brass foot, and made a lot of noise, and would leave the wizard alone.
The stories contain magical aspects, and has a moral in each one. The genre is fantasy. I really like the book, because it has short stories, then Professor Dumbledore explained it, and you got to hear his thoughts. I would recommend this book to people who like the Harry Potter series.
Reviewed by Jenna ~ 6th Grade
Lexile 1290
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